Glasnik Matematicki, Subject Index
Index of papers published in Glasnik Matematicki
from 2000 (Volume 35) to 2024 (Volume 59).
Papers are listed according to the
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification.
Items with * correspond
to the earlier versions of the Mathematics Subject Classification
(1991 and 1980).
| 01| 03 | 04 | 05 |
06 | 08 | 11 |
12 |
13 | 14 | 15 |
16 | 17 | 18 |
20 | 22 | 26 |
28 |
30 | 31 |
32 | 33 | 34 |
35 | 37 | 39 |
| 40 |
41 |
42 | 43 | 44 |
45 |
46 | 47 | 49 |
51 |
52 | 53 | 54 |
55 | 57 | 58 |
60 | 62 | 65 | 68 |
70 | 74 |
76 | 81 | 92 |
93 | 94 |
- 04A10 Ordinal and cardinal numbers; generalizations*
A. Mani
- 04A72 Fuzzy sets, fuzzy relations*
S. A. Solovyov
- 05A15 Exact enumeration problems, generating functions
I. Belovas,
M. J. Nadjafi-Arani,
S. Feretic
- 05A16 Asymptotic enumeration
I. Belovas,
I. Belovas
- 05A17 Combinatorial aspects of partitions of integers
S. Capparelli
- 05A19 Combinatorial identities, bijective combinatorics
G. Trupcevic,
M. Butorac,
I. Siladic,
M. Butorac,
G. Trupcevic
- 05A20 Combinatorial inequalities
J. J. Y. Zhao,
M. J. Nadjafi-Arani
- 05B05 Block designs
S. Rukavina,
C. J. Colbourn,
M. Kiermaier,
D. Crnkovic,
R. Vlahovic Kruc,
S. Braic,
S. Braic,
L. Chikamai,
L. Chikamai,
D. Crnkovic,
S. Braic,
S. Braic,
D. Held,
D. Crnkovic,
M. Essert,
S. Rukavina,
D. Crnkovic,
V. Krcadinac,
V. Buble,
V. Mandekic-Botteri,
S. Rukavina,
D. Crnkovic,
M. Garapic,
V. Cepulic,
D. Crnkovic
- 05B07 Triple systems
D. Heinlein,
S. Markovski
- 05B10 Difference sets
S. Braic,
S. Braic,
M. Roder
- 05B20 Combinatorial aspects of matrices (incidence, Hadamard, etc.)
H. Kharaghani
- 05B25 Finite geometries
U. Dempwolff,
M. Roder
- 05B30 Other designs, configurations
C. J. Colbourn,
V. Krcadinac
- 05B40 Combinatorial aspects of packing and covering
C. J. Colbourn
- 05B50 Polyominoes
S. Feretic
- 05C05 Trees
M. J. Nadjafi-Arani,
D. Vukicevic
- 05C07 Degree sequences
D. Vukicevic
- 05C12 Distance in graphs
Y. Alizadeh, S. Antunovic,
M. J. Nadjafi-Arani
- 05C20 Directed graphs (digraphs), tournaments
V. Neumann-Lara
- 05C35 Extremal problems
S. Antunovic
- 05C38 Paths and cycles
D. R. Hawtin,
R. Manger
- 05C50 Graphs and linear algebra (matrices, eigenvalues, etc.)
M. ElGebali
- 05C69 Dominating sets, independent sets, cliques
D. Veljan
- 05C70 Factorization, matching, covering and packing
D. Vukicevic
- 05C75 Structural characterization of types of graphs
S. Ebrahimi Atani,
S. Ebrahimi Atani
- 05C76 Graph operations (line graphs, products, etc.)
Y. Alizadeh
- 05C90 Graph theory. Applications
D. Vukicevic,
D. Veljan
- 05E16 Combinatorial aspects of groups and algebras
M. Sosic,
M. Sosic
- 05E20 Group actions on designs, geometries and codes
X. Mbaale,
D. Held,
D. Crnkovic,
D. Crnkovic
- 05E30 Association schemes, strongly regular graphs
D. Crnkovic,
X. Mbaale,
S. Braic,
D. Crnkovic,
S. Rukavina
- 05E40 Combinatorial aspects of commutative algebra
I. Kodrnja
- 05E99 None of the above, but in this section
H. Liu
- 11-03 Historical
A. J. MacLeod
- 11A15 Power residues, reciprocity
Su Hu
- 11A25 Arithmetic functions; related numbers; inversion formulas
A. Alahmadi,
E. F. Bravo,
Y. Hamahata
- 11A41 Primes
V. Acciaro,
A. Srinivasan,
P. Szczuka
- 11A55 Continued fractions
B. Jadrijevic,
V. Petricevic,
K. R. Matthews,
Bo He,
Bo He
- 11A67 Other representations
B. Cho,
V. Ziegler
- 11B05 Density, gaps, topology
K. Demirci
- 11B25 Arithmetic progressions
A. A. Ciss,
P. Szczuka,
A. Berczes,
A. Berczes
- 11B37 Recurrences
K. N. Adadji,
I. Pink,
M. Cipu,
C. A. Gomez,
F. Luca
- 11B39 Fibonacci and Lucas numbers and polynomials and generalizations
H. Batte,
A. Alahmadi,
E. F. Bravo,
Sz. Tengelys,
B. Faye-Fall,
M. K. Sahukar,
Y. Fujita,
F. Luca,
I. Pink,
J. J. Bravo,
Bo He,
C. A. Gomez,
N. Irmak,
F. Luca,
A. Togbe,
F. Luca,
P. G. Walsh
- 11B68 Bernoulli and Euler numbers and polynomials
M. Riyasat,
Y. Hamahata,
A. Bazso
- 11B73 Bell and Stirling numbers
M. Riyasat
- 11B75 Other combinatorial number theory
K. Gyarmati,
F. Luca
- 11B83 Special sequences and polynomials
B. Zhang,
J. J. Y. Zhao,
B. Zhang,
A. Bazso,
M. Riyasat,
M. Kamel
- 11C08 Polynomials
B. Zhang,
B. Zhang,
C. Karolus,
A. Jurasic,
I. Gusic
- 11D04 Linear equations
I. Shparlinski
- 11D09 Quadratic and bilinear equations
K. Chakraborty,
M. Bliznac Trebjesanin,
M. Le,
K. N. Adadji,
A. Filipin,
A. Dujella,
A. Filipin,
A. Dujella,
F. Luca,
A. MacLeod,
A. Srinivasan,
M. Cipu,
A. Srinivasan,
Lj. Jukic Matic,
A. Filipin,
K. R. Matthews,
A. Berczes,
M. Le,
A. Filipin,
A. Filipin,
A. J. MacLeod,
F. Najman,
Y. Fujita,
Bo He,
C. Elsner,
Bo He,
Z. Franusic,
Y. Fujita,
P. Gibbs,
V. Ziegler,
P. G. Walsh,
A. Dujella
- 11D25 Cubic and quartic equations
Y. Fujita,
R. Becker,
G. S. Celik,
Bo He,
A. J. Macleod,
A. Filipin,
A. Togbe,
C. Elsner,
F. Luca,
P. G. Walsh,
V. Ziegler,
P. G. Walsh
- 11D41 Higher degree equations; Fermat's equation
Z. Zhang,
P. Das,
A. Bazso,
Z. Zhang,
Z. Zhang,
A. A. Ciss,
Z. Zhang,
M. Bauer,
Bo He,
M. Ulas,
A. Bazso,
I. Gusic
- 11D45 Counting solutions of Diophantine equations
M. Bliznac Trebjesanin,
A. Filipin,
Sz. Tengelys,
V. Ziegler,
M. K. Sahukar,
A. Filipin,
F. Luca,
I. Gusic,
F. Luca,
Y. Fujita,
A. Dujella,
C. Fuchs
- 11D57 Multiplicative and norm form equations
I. Gaal,
I. Gaal,
B. Jadrijevic,
A. Berczes
- 11D59 Thue-Mahler equations
I. Gaal,
I. Gaal,
Bo He,
V. Ziegler,
A. Berczes
- 11D61 Exponential equations
M. Le,
R. Styer,
S. Heintze,
H. Batte,
Z. Zhang,
M. Le,
P. Das,
B. Faye-Fall,
V. Ziegler,
H. Yang,
Y. Fujita,
M. Bauer,
Sz. Tengely,
Bo He,
C. A. Gomez,
Bo He,
F. Luca,
C. Fuchs
- 11D72 Equations in many variables
Y. Fujita,
N. Irmak
- 11D75 Diophantine inequalities
F. Luca,
Bo He,
F. Luca
- 11D79 Congruences in many variables
Lj. Jukic Matic
- 11D85 Representation problems
S. Heintze,
V. Acciaro,
F. Luca,
F. Luca
- 11D99 Diophantine equations
A. Jurasic
K. Gyarmati,
F. Luca
- 11E16 General binary quadratic forms
M. Le,
A. Srinivasan,
A. Srinivasan
- 11E70 K-theory of quadratic and Hermitian forms
G. Muic,
- 11E88 Quadratic spaces; Clifford algebras
P. Pandzic
- 11F11 Modular forms, one variable
I. Kodrnja,
P. Das,
D. Mikoc,
L. J. P. Kilford
- 11F12 Automorphic forms, one variable
S. Zunar
- 11F20 Dedekind eta function, Dedekind sums
P. A. Panzone,
P. Panzone
- 11F23 Relations with algebraic geometry and topology
D. Mikoc
- 11F27 Theta series; Weil representation; theta correspondences
P. Bakic,
M. Misaghian
- 11F33 Congruences for modular and p-adic modular forms
L. J. P. Kilford
- 11F37 Forms of half-integer weight; nonholomorphic modular forms
S. Zunar
- 11F70 Representation-theoretic methods; automorphic representations over local and global fields
D. Brajkovic Zoric,
I. Matic,
D. Ban,
I. Matic,
M. Hanzer,
D. Ban,
N. Grbac,
M. Hanzer,
N. Grbac,
T. Miyazaki
- 11F80 Galois representations
P. Das
- 11F85 p-adic theory, local fields
I. Ciganovic,
I. Ciganovic
- 11G05 Elliptic curves over global fields
E. Gonzalez-Jimenez,
A. Dujella,
Y. Fujita,
G. S. Celik,
A. Dujella,
A. A. Ciss,
A. Dujella,
M. Mikic,
J. Aguirre,
A. Berczes,
M. Jukic Bokun,
I. Gusic,
P. Tadic,
I. Gusic,
P. G. Walsh,
A. Dujella
- 11G15 Complex multiplication and moduli of abelian varieties
E. Gonzalez-Jimenez
- 11G18 Arithmetic aspects of modular and Shimura varieties
M. Mikic
- 11G30 Curves of arbitrary genus or genus ≠ 1 over global fields
Sz. Tengely
- 11G50 Heights
Y. Fujita
- 11G99 None of the above, but in this section
C. Fuchs
- 11J04 Homogeneous approximation to one number
C. Elsner
- 11J13 Simultaneous homogeneous approximation, linear forms
J. Schleischitz,
A. Dubickas
- 11J25 Diophantine inequalities
J. Schleischitz,
A. Dubickas
- 11J68 Approximation to algebraic numbers
K. N. Adedji,
B. Jadrijevic,
M. Cipu,
A. Filipin,
A. Filipin,
Y. Fujita,
Y. Bugeaud
- 11J70 Continued fractions and generalizations
C. Elsner,
B. Adamczewski
- 11J71 Distribution modulo one
A. Dubickas
- 11J81 Transcendence (general theory)
B. Adamczewski
- 11J82 Measures of irrationality and of transcendence
J. Schleischitz
- 11J86 Linear forms in logarithms; Baker's method
K. N. Adedji,
H. Batte,
A. Alahmadi,
C. Fuchs,
J. J. Bravo,
B. Jadrijevic,
Bo He,
Bo He,
A. Filipin,
Y. Fujita
- 11J87 Schmidt Subspace Theorem and applications
Y. Fujita,
- 11K38 Irregularities of distribution, discrepancy
I. Shparlinski
- 11L20 Sums over primes
Ke Gong
- 11L40 Estimates on character sums
Ke Gong,
I. Shparlinski
- 11M06 ζ (s) and L(s, χ)
A. Laurincikas
- 11M26 Nonreal zeros of ζ (s) and L(s, χ); Riemann and other hypotheses
M. Zubaca,
A. Odzak
- 11M32 Multiple Dirichlet series and zeta functions and multizeta values
Y. Hamahata,
Y. Hamahata
- 11M38 Zeta and L-functions in characteristic p
A. Stein
- 11M41 Other Dirichlet series and zeta functions
Y. Hamahata,
A. Laurincikas
- 11M99 None of the above, but in this section
I. Belovas
- 11N05 Distribution of primes
A. Srinivasan
- 11N25 Distribution of integers with specified multiplicative constraints
Ke Gong
- 11N36 Applications of sieve methods
R. Becker,
A. Dujella
- 11N37 Asymptotic results on arithmetic functions
N. Lelas,
F. Luca
- 11N56 Rate of growth of arithmetic functions
B. Zhang,
B. Zhang
- 11N80 Generalized primes and integers
N. Lelas
- 11P99 Additive number theory; partitions
S. Slijepcevic
- 11R04 Algebraic numbers; rings of algebraic integers
V. Acciaro,
A. Dubickas,
Su Hu
- 11R09 Polynomials (irreducibility, etc.)
C. Karolus
- 11R11 Quadratic extensions
K. Chakraborty,
V. Acciaro,
M. Jukic Bokun,
Z. Franusic,
P. G. Walsh
- 11R16 Cubic and quartic extensions
M. Mikic,
Lj. Jukic Matic,
V. Ziegler
- 11R18 Cyclotomic extensions
A. Dubickas,
- 11R21 Other number fields
V. Acciaro
- 11R27 Units and factorization
V. Ziegler
- 11R29 Class numbers, class groups, discriminants
M. Le,
V. Acciaro,
A. Srinivasan,
A. Srinivasan,
A. Laoudi,
P. G. Walsh
- 11R32 Galois theory
V. Acciaro
- 11R37 Class field theory
V. Acciaro
- 11R52 Quaternion and other division algebras: arithmetic, zeta functions
V. Acciaro
- 11R58 Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields
Y. Hamahata,
Su Hu,
A. Stein
- 11S15 Ramification and extension theory
V. Acciaro
- 11S40 Zeta functions and L-functions
M. Zubaca,
A. Odzak
- 11T06 Polynomials over finite fields
L. H. Gallardo,
N. Lelas
- 11T55 Arithmetic theory of polynomial rings over finite fields
L. H. Gallardo
- 11Y16 Algorithms; complexity
A. Stein
- 11Y50 Computer solution of Diophantine equations
Sz. Tengely,
A. MacLeod,
Sz. Tengely,
B. Jadrijevic,
A. J. Macleod,
A. J. MacLeod,
F. Najman
- 11Y65 Continued fraction calculations
K. R. Matthews,
A. Stein
- 13B22 Integral closure of rings and ideals
I. Gusic
- 13B25 Polynomials over commutative rings
M. Bataineh
I. Gusic
- 13F15 Factorial rings, unique factorization domains
I. Gusic
- 13F20 Polynomial rings and ideals; rings of integer-valued polynomials
I. Kodrnja
- 13P99 Computational aspects and applications
M. Mencinger
- 15A03 Vector spaces, linear dependence, rank
C. J. Chikunji
- 15A09 Theory of matrix inversion and generalized inverses
Y. Ren,
Q. Zeng,
G. Dolinar
- 15A12 Conditioning of matrices
K. Veselic
- 15A15 Determinants, permanents, traces, other special
matrix functions
L. Losonczi
- 15A18 Eigenvalues, singular values, and eigenvectors
A. Fosner,
M. Skrzynski
- 15A22 Matrix pencils
P. Binding
- 15A23 Factorization of matrices
M. ElGebali,
C. V. M. van der Mee
- 15A27 Commutativity
A. Fosner
- 15A42 Inequalities involving eigenvalues and eigenvectors
N. Truhar
- 15A57 Other types of matrices
K. Veselic
- 15A60 Norms of matrices, numerical range, applications
of functional analysis to matrix theory
N. Truhar,
K. Veselic
- 15A66 Clifford algebras, spinors
P. Pandzic
- 15A69 Multilinear algebra, tensor calculus
S. Telebakovic Onic
- 15B34 Boolean and Hadamard matrices
S. Telebakovic Onic
- 15B99 None of the above, but in this section
L. Losonczi
- 16D60 Simple and semisimple modules, primitive rings and ideals
B. Sirola
- 16D99 None of the above, but in this section
N. Uglesic
- 16E40 (Co)homology of rings and algebras (e.g. Hochschild, cyclic, dihedral, etc.)
M. Essmaili
- 16E50 von Neumann regular rings and generalizations
H. Chen
- 16E99 Homological methods
J. Vukman
- 16N40 Nil and nilpotent radicals, sets, ideals, rings
C. J. Chikunji
- 16N60 Prime and semiprime rings
I. Kosi-Ulbl,
I. Kosi-Ulbl,
V. De Filippis,
D. Eremita,
N. Sirovnik,
A. Fosner,
M. Fosner,
J. Vukman,
I. Kosi-Ulbl,
J. Vukman
- 16R60 Functional identities
M. Fosner
- 16S32 Rings of differential operators (associative algebraic aspects)
M. Sosic
- 16S35 Twisted and skew group rings, crossed products
G. Szeto,
G. Szeto
- 16S99 None of the above, but in this section
N. Uglesic
- 16T05 Hopf algebras and their applications
D. N. Pham,
Z. Wang
- 16T25 Yang-Baxter equations
Z. Wang
- 16U80 Generalizations of commutativity
L. Oukhtite,
- 16U99 Conditions on elements
Q. Zeng,
H. Chen,
D. Eremita
- 16W10 Rings with involution; Lie, Jordan and other nonassociative structures
M. Fosner,
I. Kosi-Ulbl,
M. Fosner,
M. Fosner,
N. Persin,
J. Vukman,
J. Vukman,
L. Oukhtite,
J. Vukman,
B. Sirola
- 16W20 Automorphisms and endomorphisms
J. Brzdek,
L. Oukhtite,
G. Szeto,
G. Szeto
- 16W25 Derivations, actions of Lie algebras
J. Brzdek,
V. De Filippis,
L. Oukhtite,
I. Gusic,
- 16W30 Coalgebras, bialgebras, Hopf algebras
P. Pandzic
- 16Y60 Semirings
R. Manger,
S. Ebrahimi Atani,
S. Ebrahimi Atani,
S. Ebrahimi Atani,
S. Ebrahimi Atani,
S. Ebrahimi Atani,
S. Ebrahimi Atani
- 17A99 General nonassociative rings
H. Boujemaa,
B. Zalar,
H. Boujemaa,
B. Zalar,
H. Boujemaa,
B. Zalar
- 17B05 Structure theory
B. Sirola
- 17B08 Coadjoint orbits; nilpotent varieties
L. Fresse
- 17B20 Simple, semisimple, reductive (super)algebras
B. Sirola
- 17B37 Quantum groups (quantized enveloping algebras) and related deformations
S. Kozic
- 17B56 Cohomology of Lie (super)algebras
X. He
- 17B65 Infinite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras
N. Sthanumoorthy
- 17B67 Kac-Moody (super)algebras
S. Capparelli,
G. Trupcevic,
M. Butorac,
I. Siladic,
M. Butorac,
N. Sthanumoorthy,
O. Perse,
T. Sikic,
G. Trupcevic,
O. Perse
- 17B69 Vertex operators; vertex operator algebras and related structures
A. Milas,
H. Guo,
G. Trupcevic,
S. Kozic,
M. Butorac,
M. Butorac,
O. Perse,
O. Perse
- 17B70 Graded Lie (super)algebras
X. He
- 17B81 Applications of Lie (super)algebras to physics, etc.
X. He
- 18A20 Epimorphisms, monomorphisms, special classes of morphisms, null morphisms
N. Koceic Bilan
- 18A25 Functor categories, comma categories
L. Stramaccia
- 18A30 Limits and colimits (products, sums, directed limits, pushouts, fiber products, equalizers, kernels, ends and coends, etc.)
T. Nasri
- 18A32 Factorization of morphisms, substructures, quotient structures, congruences, amalgams
N. Uglesic,
N. Koceic Bilan,
N. Uglesic
- 18A40 Adjoint functors
L. Stramaccia
- 18B40 Groupoids, semigroupoids, semigroups, groups (viewed as categories)
D. N. Pham
- 18B99 Special categories
S. A. Solovyov
- 18D10 Monoidal categories (= multiplicative categories), symmetric monoidal categories, braided categories
Z. Wang
- 18G30 Simplicial sets, simplicial objects (in a category)
M. Basic
- 18M05 Monoidal categories, symmetric monoidal categories
S. Telebakovic Onic
- 20B07 General theory for infinite groups
N. Uglesic
- 20B25 Finite automorphism groups of algebraic, geometric, or combinatorial structures
D. R. Hawtin,
S. Braic,
C. J. Chikunji
- 20C15 Ordinary representations and characters
J. Zhang,
G. Qian,
E. Zhmud,
Y. Berkovich,
Y. Berkovich,
Y. Berkovich
- 20D05 Finite simple groups and their classification
A. A. Ivanov
- 20D06 Simple groups: alternating groups and groups of Lie type
A. A. Ivanov
- 20D08 Simple groups: sporadic groups
A. A. Ivanov
- 20D10 Solvable groups, theory of formations, Schunck classes, Fitting classes, π-length, ranks
J. Shi
- 20D15 Nilpotent groups, p-groups
M. O. Pavcevic,
Y. Berkovich,
Z. Janko,
K. Tabak,
G. A. Fernandez-Alcober,
Z. Janko,
Z. Janko,
Z. Janko,
Z. Janko,
S. Fouladi,
Z. Janko,
I. Malinowska,
Y. Berkovich,
E. Zhmud,
Z. Janko,
Z. Janko,
Y. Berkovich,
Y. Berkovich,
Z. Janko,
Y. Berkovich,
Y. Berkovich,
E. Zhmud,
Z. Bozikov,
Y. Berkovich,
Y. Berkovich,
Z. Bozikov,
Y. Berkovich,
Z. Janko,
Y. Berkovich,
Y. Berkovich,
Z. Janko,
Y. Berkovich,
V. Cepulic,
Z. Janko,
Y. Berkovich,
Y. Berkovich,
Z. Janko,
V. Cepulic,
Z. Janko,
V. Cepulic,
Z. Janko,
Z. Janko,
Z. Janko
- 20D25 Special subgroups
M. O. Pavcevic,
K. Tabak,
Y. Berkovich
- 20D45 Automorphisms
G. A. Fernandez-Alcober,
L. Chikamai,
A. Abdollahi,
L. Chikamai,
I. Malinowska,
J. Kurdics,
D. Crnkovic
- 20D60 Arithmetic and combinatorial problems involving abstract finite groups
M. Herzog
- 20E06 Free products of groups, free products with amalgamation, Higman-Neumann-Neumann extensions, and generalizations
S. Francaviglia
- 20E08 Groups acting on trees
S. Francaviglia
- 20E18 Limits, profinite groups
D. Zheng
- 20E34 General structure theorems
M. Herzog,
B. Sirola,
D. Zheng
- 20E36 Automorphisms of infinite groups
S. Francaviglia,
A. Abdollahi
- 20E99 Structure and classification of infinite or finite groups
M. Misaghian
- 20F16 Solvable groups, supersolvable groups
M. Herzog,
D. Zheng
- 20F18 Nilpotent groups
M. Golasinski
- 20F28 Automorphism groups of groups
S. Fouladi,
J. Kurdics
- 20F34 Fundamental groups and their automorphisms (group-theoretic aspects)
J. Lanier
- 20F38 Other groups related to topology or analysis
B. Szepietowski
- 20F65 Geometric group theory
V. He,
J. Dydak
- 20G05 Representation theory
H. Halawi,
D. Renard,
A. I. Badulescu
- 20G15 Linear algebraic groups over arbitrary fields
B. Sirola
- 20G41 Exceptional groups
H. Halawi
- 20M07 Varieties and pseudovarieties of semigroups
E. W. H. Lee
- 20M10 General structure theory
A. Mani
- 20N05 Loops, quasigroups
V. Volenec,
V. Volenec,
V. Volenec,
S. Vidak,
A. Mileva,
M. Bombardelli
- 22A05 Structure of general topological groups
D. Jardon,
A. Dow
- 22C05 Compact groups
V. Matijevic
- 22D12 Other representations of locally compact groups
I. Ciganovic,
I. Ciganovic
- 22D30 Induced representations
I. Ciganovic,
I. Ciganovic
- 22E15 General properties and structure of real Lie
L. Fresse
- 22E25 Nilpotent and solvable Lie groups
A. Kumar
- 22E35 Analysis on p-adic Lie groups
D. Brajkovic Zoric,
I. Matic,
I. Matic,
M. Hanzer,
M. Hanzer,
M. Tadic
- 22E45 Representations of Lie and linear algebraic groups over real fields: analytic methods
D. Renard
- 22E46 Semisimple Lie groups and their representations
S. Mehdi,
A. Prlic,
A. Prlic,
T. Miyazaki
- 22E47 Representations of Lie and real algebraic groups: algebraic methods (Verma modules, etc.)
S. Mehdi,
A. Prlic,
A. Prlic,
P. Pandzic,
- 22E50 Representations of Lie and linear algebraic groups over local fields
H. Halawi,
I. Ciganovic,
D. Brajkovic Zoric,
G. Muic,
P. Bakic,
I. Matic,
I. Ciganovic,
D. Ban,
I. Matic,
M. Hanzer,
M. Tadic,
D. Ban,
M. Hanzer,
M. Misaghian,
I. Matic,
G. Muic,
A. I. Badulescu,
M. Tadic
- 22E55 Representations of Lie and linear algebraic groups over global fields and adele rings
N. Grbac,
N. Grbac
- 26A03 Foundations: limits and generalizations, elementary topology
of the line
K. Demirci
- 26A24 Differentiation (functions of one variable): general theory, generalized derivatives, mean-value theorems
S. Khalid
- 26A33 Spaces of measures, convergence of measures
R. K. Raina
- 26A42 Integrals of Riemann, Stieltjes and Lebesgue type
A. Halilovic
- 26A48 Monotonic functions, generalizations
S. Khalid
- 26A51 Convexity, generalizations
S. Khalid
- 26B25 Convexity, generalizations
S. Zlobec
- 26D10 Inequalities involving derivatives and differential and integral operators
L. Boukrim,
D. S. Mitrinovic
- 26D15 Inequalities for sums, series and integrals
S. Khalid
- 30A06 Polynomials*
A. Aziz
- 30A10 Inequalities in the complex domain
V. K. Jain,
V. K. Jain,
V. K. Jain
- 30A64 Special classes of entire functions and growth estimates*
A. Aziz
- 30C10 Polynomials
V. K. Jain,
V. K. Jain,
V. K. Jain
- 30C45 Special classes of univalent and multivalent functions
R. K. Raina,
N. Tuneski,
H. Hamada,
R. K. Raina,
Y. Polatoglu,
D. Blezu,
H. Hamada
- 30C55 General theory of univalent and multivalent functions
D. Kalaj
- 30D05 Functional equations in the complex plane, iteration and composition of analytic functions of one complex variable
X. Huang
- 30D35 Distribution of values, Nevanlinna theory
B. Belaidi
- 30E10 Approximation in the complex domain
R. Akgun,
D. M. Israfilov
- 30E20 Integration, integrals of Cauchy type,
integral representations of analytic functions
A. Fleige
- 30E99 Miscellaneous topics of analysis in the complex domain
H. Langer
- 32A07 Special domains (Reinhardt, Hartogs, circular, tube)
R. D. Carmichael
- 32A26 Integral representations, constructed kernels (e.g. Cauchy, Fantappie-type kernels)
R. D. Carmichael
- 32A30 Other generalizations of function theory of one
complex variable
H. Hamada
- 32A40 Boundary behavior of holomorphic functions
R. D. Carmichael
- 32H02 Holomorphic mappings, (holomorphic) embeddings and related questions
H. Hamada,
H. Hamada
- 32Q60 Almost complex manifolds
D. N. Pham
- 33A65 Orthogonal special functions and polynomials*
M. A. Khan
- 33E20 Other functions defined by series and integrals
B. Cho
- 34A30 Linear equations and systems, general
M. Gil'
- 34A34 Nonlinear equations and systems, general
H. Boujemaa,
B. Zalar,
H. Boujemaa,
B. Zalar,
H. Boujemaa,
M. Mencinger,
B. Zalar
- 34A60 Differential inclusions
J. J. Nieto
- 34B10 Nonlocal and multipoint boundary value problems
Y. Liu
- 34B15 Nonlinear boundary value problems
G. A. Afrouzi,
Y. Liu,
H. Lu,
S. Stanek
- 34C10 Oscillation theory, zeros, disconjugacy and comparison theory
M. Gil'
- 34C25 Periodic solutions
L. Caklovic,
Y. Liu,
L. Caklovic,
L. Caklovic
- 34C60 Qualitative investigation and simulation of ordinary differential equation models
B. Zalar
- 34D05 Asymptotic properties
T. Yue,
T. Yue,
C. Preda,
M. Megan
- 34D09 Dichotomy, trichotomy
C. Preda
- 34D20 Lyapunov stability
T. Yue,
M. Mencinger,
M. Cherkaoui,
M. Megan
- 34E05 Fundamental solutions
I. Aganovic
- 34E15 Initial value problems
A. Raguz,
A. Raguz,
A. Raguz
- 34G10 Linear equations
I. Nakic,
B. Curgus
- 34G20 Nonlinear equations
Lj. P. Georgiev,
T. Jankowski
- 34K05 General theory
Lj. P. Georgiev
- 34K06 Linear functional-differential equations
J. J. Nieto
- 34K10 Boundary value problems
Y. Liu,
J. J. Nieto
- 34K15 Qualitative theory*
Y. Liu,
G. Zhang,
S. Stanek
- 34K35 Control problems
Lj. P. Georgiev
- 34K45 Equations with impulses
J. J. Nieto
- 34M10 Oscillation, growth of solutions
B. Belaidi
- 35A02 Uniqueness problems for PDEs: global uniqueness, local uniqueness, non-uniqueness
E. Zaouche
- 35A27 Microlocal methods; methods of sheaf theory and homological algebra in PDE
M. Lazar
- 35B25 Singular perturbations
S. Marusic,
A. Duvnjak
- 35B27 Homogenization; partial differential equations in media with periodic structure
L. Boukrim,
J. Engstrom,
S. Marusic
- 35B33 Critical exponents
J. Kraljevic
- 35B35 Stability
E. Zaouche,
M. Bousselsal
- 35B38 Critical points
G. A. Afrouzi
- 35B40 Asymptotic behavior of solutions
N. Mujakovic,
L. Boukrim,
J. Engstrom,
S. Marusic
- 35B45 A priori estimates
A. Chaban,
N. Mujakovic,
- 35B65 Smoothness and regularity of solutions to PDEs
A. Lyaghfouri
- 35B99 None of the above, but in this section
N. Katzourakis
- 35C15 Integral representations of solutions
J. Kraljevic
- 35D30 Weak solutions
J. Kraljevic
- 35D35 Strong solutions
J. Kraljevic
- 35G16 Initial-boundary value problems for linear higher-order equations
K. Mihalincic
- 35J05 Laplace equation, reduced wave equation (Helmholtz), Poisson equation
K. Wong
- 35J20 Variational methods for second-order, elliptic equations
I. Konate,
M. Kabbaj
- 35J25 Boundary value problems for second-order,
elliptic equations
I. Konate,
I. Aganovic,
I. Aganovic
- 35J60 Nonlinear PDE of elliptic type
I. Konate,
H. Gao,
J. Kraljevic,
L. Boukrim
- 35J65 Nonlinear boundary value problems for linear elliptic PDE
I. Konate,
L. Boukrim
- 35J85 Unilateral problems and variational inequalities for elliptic PDE
H. Benaissa,
A. Touzaline
- 35J92 Quasilinear elliptic equations with p-Laplacian
A. Lyaghfouri,
J. Kraljevic
- 35K05 Heat equation
R. Song
- 35L05 Wave equation
K. Mihalincic,
M. Cherkaoui
- 35L20 Boundary value problems for second-order, hyperbolic equations
M. Cherkaoui
- 35L65 Conservation laws
N. Konatar
M. Kabbaj
- 35M30 Mixed-type systems of PDEs
M. Galic
- 35Q30 Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations
R. Andrasik,
K. Shi,
B. Muha,
A. Duvnjak
- 35Q35 Other equations arising in fluid mechanics
R. Andrasik,
K. Shi,
N. Mujakovic
- 35Q55 NLS-like (nonlinear Schrödinger) equations
N. Mujakovic
- 35R05 PDE with discontinuous coefficients or data
M. Faierman
- 37A45 Relations with number theory and harmonic analysis
S. Slijepcevic
- 37B02 Dynamics in general topological spaces
A. Rojas
- 37B10 Symbolic dynamics
B. Raines
- 37B20 Notions of recurrence and recurrent behavior in
dynamical systems
M. Shoptrajanov
- 37B25 Stability of topological dynamical systems
M. Shoptrajanov
- 37B45 Continua theory in dynamics
M. Crepnjak,
F. Barragan,
B. Raines
- 37B99 None of the above, but in this section
J. M. Garcia Calcines
- 37E30 Dynamical systems involving homeomorphisms and diffeomorphisms of planes and surfaces
H. Baik,
J. Lanier,
J. Lanier
- 37F10 Dynamics of complex polynomials, rational maps, entire and meromorphic functions; Fatou and Julia sets
X. Huang
- 37F35 Conformal densities and Hausdorff dimension for holomorphic dynamical systems
X. Huang
- 37J40 Perturbations, normal forms, small divisors, KAM
theory, Arnold diffusion
M. Faierman
- 37L55 Infinite-dimensional random dynamical systems; stochastic equations
T. Yue
- 37L65 Special approximation methods (nonlinear Galerkin, etc.)
M. Kabbaj
- 39A06 Linear difference equations
I. Belovas
- 39A10 Difference equations, additive
X. H. Tang,
R. P. Agarwal,
I. Kubiaczyk,
E. Thandapani,
M. Dawidowski
- 39A11 Stability and asymptotics of difference equations; oscillatory and periodic solutions
X. H. Tang
- 39A14 Partial difference equations
I. Belovas
- 39B05 Functional equations and inequalities. General
M. Fosner,
I. Kosi-Ulbl,
I. Kosi-Ulbl,
M. Fosner,
M. Fosner,
N. Persin,
J. Vukman,
M. Fosner,
J. Vukman,
I. Kosi-Ulbl,
J. Vukman,
J. Vukman,
I. Kosi-Ulbl
- 39B12 Iteration theory, iterative and composite equations
R. Kapica
- 39B22 Equations for real functions
J. Tabor
- 39B42 Matrix and operator equations
N. Sirovnik
- 39B52 Equations for functions with more general domains and/or ranges
I. Kosi-Ulbl,
W. Fechner,
D. Eremita,
P. Nath,
R. Kapica,
J. Tabor,
J. Brzdek,
J. M. Rassias
- 39B62 Functional inequalities, including subadditivity, convexity, etc.
J. Brzdek,
S.-M. Jung,
S.-M. Jung
- 39B82 Stability, separation, extension, and related topics
J. Brzdek,
P. Nath,
S.-M. Jung,
S.-M. Jung
- 41A10 Approximation by polynomials
Y. E. Yildirir,
Y. E. Yildirir,
A. Guven,
O. P. Pop,
R. Akgun,
D. M. Israfilov
- 41A17 Inequalities in approximation
J. L. Wang
- 41A20 Approximation by rational functions
D. M. Israfilov
- 41A25 Rate of convergence, degree of approximation
A. Guven,
O. P. Pop,
R. Akgun,
D. M. Israfilov,
J. L. Wang
- 41A35 Approximation by operators
O. P. Pop
- 41A36 Approximation by positive operators
O. P. Pop,
Z. Walczak,
O. Dogru
- 41A45 Approximation by arbitrary linear expressions
M. Nielsen
- 41A50 Best approximation, Chebyshev systems
J. L. Wang
- 41A52 Uniqueness of best approximation
A. Bogdewicz
- 41A99 Miscellaneous topics
J.-P. Pemba
- 42A10 Trigonometric approximation
Y. E. Yildirir,
Y. E. Yildirir
- 42A38 Fourier and Fourier-Stieltjes transforms and other transforms of Fourier type
S. K. Kaushik
- 42A99 None of the above, but in this section
D. Bakic
- 42B10 Fourier and Fourier-Stieltjes transforms and other transforms of Fourier type
M. Vitturi
- 42B20 Singular and oscillatory integrals (Calderon-Zygmund, etc.)
M. Izuki
- 42B25 Maximal functions, Littlewood-Paley theory
M. Vitturi,
I. Aydin
- 42B35 Function spaces arising in harmonic analysis
H. Gunawan,
I. Aydin,
M. Izuki
- 42C10 Fourier series in special orthogonal functions
M. Nielsen,
M. Nielsen
- 42C15 Series of general orthogonal functions, generalized Fourier expansions, nonorthogonal expansions
Lj. Arambasic,
D. Bakic,
H. Sikic,
B. D. Johnson,
D. Bakic,
S. K. Kaushik,
G. Garrigos
- 42C30 Completeness of sets of functions
A. San Antolin
- 42C40 Wavelets
A. San Antolin,
M. Izuki,
M. Nielsen,
G. Garrigos
- 43A07 Means on groups, semigroups, etc.; amenable groups
A. Sahami
- 43A15 L^p-spaces and other function spaces on groups, semigroups, etc.
I. Slamic
- 43A20 L1-algebras on groups, semigroups, etc.
A. Sahami,
M. Essmaili
- 43A62 Hypergroups
A. Kumar
- 43A65 Representations of groups, semigroups, etc. (aspects of abstract harmonic analysis)
I. Slamic
- 46A03 General theory of locally convex spaces
Ju. T. Lisica
- 46A04 Locally convex Frechet spaces and (DF)-spaces
Ju. T. Lisica
- 46A22 Theorems of Hahn-Banach type; extension and lifting of functionals and operators
S. G. Kim
- 46A32 Spaces of linear operators; topological tensor products; approximation properties
Z. Lewandowska,
Z. Lewandowska,
Z. Lewandowska
- 46A40 Ordered topological linear spaces, vector lattices
W. Fechner
- 46A99 Topological linear spaces and related structures
N. Uglesic,
Z. Lewandowska,
Z. Lewandowska
- 46B15 Summability and bases
M. Izuki
- 46B20 Geometry and structure of normed linear spaces
S. M. S. Nabavi Sales
- 46B22 Radon-Nikodym, Krein-Milman and related properties
H. E. Brink
- 46B28 Spaces of operators; tensor products; approximation properties
C. Perez-Garcia
- 46B42 Banach lattices
W. Fechner
- 46B50 Compactness in Banach (or normed) spaces
M. Lazar,
M. Kabbaj
- 46B99 Normed linear spaces and Banach spaces;
Banach lattices
N. Sirovnik,
A. Bogdewicz
- 46C05 Hilbert and pre-Hilbert spaces: geometry and topology (including spaces with semidefinite inner product)
S. M. S. Nabavi Sales
- 46C15 Characterizations of Hilbert spaces
D. Ilisevic
- 46C20 Spaces with indefinite inner product
A. Fleige
- 46C50 Generalizations of inner products
B. Kolarec,
K. Sharifi,
B. Kolarec,
B. Kolarec,
D. Bakic
- 46E05 Lattices of continuous, differentiable or analytic functions
W. Fechner
- 46E30 Spaces of measurable functions
H. Gunawan,
H. Sikic,
A. Guven,
R. Akgun,
D. M. Israfilov
- 46E35 Sobolev spaces and other spaces of "smooth'' functions, embedding theorems, trace theorems
T. Ohno,
V. Wagner,
N. Mujakovic
- 46E40 Spaces of vector- and operator-valued functions
H. Amann
- 46F10 Operations with distributions
D. Carfi
- 46F12 Integral transforms in distribution spaces
R. D. Carmichael
- 46F20 Distributions and ultradistributions as boundary values of analytic functions
R. D. Carmichael
- 46F99 Distributions, generalized functions, distribution spaces
D. Carfi
- 46G10 Vector-valued measures and integration
H. E. Brink
- 46G20 Infinite-dimensional holomorphy
S. G. Kim
- 46H25 Normed modules and Banach modules, topological modules
Lj. Arambasic,
D. Ilisevic
- 46K15 Hilbert algebras
I. Kosi-Ulbl,
I. Kosi-Ulbl,
M. Fosner,
N. Persin,
J. Vukman,
J. Vukman,
I. Kosi-Ulbl,
J. Vukman,
J. Vukman,
D. Ilisevic
- 46L05 General theory of C*-algebras
B. Guljas,
M. Amini,
M. Joita,
Lj. Arambasic
- 46L07 Operator spaces and completely bounded maps
M. B. Asadi,
J. V. Ramani,
F. M. Bruckler
- 46L08 C*-modules
M. B. Asadi,
B. Guljas,
B. Kolarec,
K. Sharifi,
B. Kolarec,
B. Kolarec,
F. M. Bruckler,
D. Bakic,
F. M. Bruckler
- 46L99 Selfadjoint operator algebras
Lj. Arambasic
- 46M10 Projective and injective objects
A. Sahami
- 46N20 Applications to differential and integral equations
L. Caklovic,
Z. Pasaric
- 46S10 Functional analysis over fields other than R or C
or the quaternions; non-Archimedean functional analysis
C. Perez-Garcia,
A. K. Katsaras
- 47A05 Adjoints, conjugates, products, inverses, domains, ranges
Q. Zeng,
Lj. Arambasic,
M. H. Mortad,
S. Mancevska,
D. Carfi
- 47A10 Spectrum, resolvent
I. Nakic,
Q. Zeng
- 47A11 Local spectral properties
Q. Zeng
- 47A12 Numerical range, numerical radius
R. Rajic
- 47A13 Several-variable operator theory
P. Binding
- 47A20 Dilations, extensions, compressions
M. Joita
- 47A25 Spectral sets
S. Mancevska
- 47A53 (Semi-) Fredholm operators; index theories
Y. Ren,
Q. Zeng
- 47A55 Perturbation theory
Q. Zeng,
A. Chaban,
P. Jonas
- 47A56 Functions whose values are linear operators
I. Nakic,
P. Binding
- 47A60 Functional calculus
S. Mancevska
- 47A62 Equations involving linear operators, with operator unknowns
S. M. Patel,
S. M. Patel,
S. M. Patel
- 47A63 Operator inequalities
S. M. Patel,
S. M. Patel,
S. M. Patel
- 47B06 Riesz operators; eigenvalue distributions
M. Gupta
- 47B20 Subnormal operators, hyponormal operators, etc.
S. M. Patel,
S. M. Patel
- 47B38 Operators on function spaces (general)
A. Fleige
- 47B44 Accretive operators, dissipative operators
Z. Pasaric
- 47B47 Commutators, derivations, elementary operators, etc.
D. Eremita
- 47B49 Transformers, preservers (linear operators on spaces of linear operators)
M. B. Asadi,
S. M. S. Nabavi Sales
- 47B50 Operators on spaces with an indefinite metric
K. Sharifi,
B. Curgus,
P. Jonas,
A. Fleige,
H. Langer
- 47B60 Operators on ordered spaces
W. Fechner
- 47B99 Special classes of linear operators
Z. Lewandowska
- 47C15 Operators in C*- or von Neumann algebras
K. Sharifi
- 47D05 Semigroups of operators*
D. S. Mitrinovic
- 47D06 One-parameter semigroups and linear evolution equations
K. Ezzinbi,
I. Nakic,
B. Curgus,
R. Picard
- 47D10 Groups of operators*
D. S. Mitrinovic
- 47G20 Integro-differential operators
Y. Shiozawa
- 47G30 Pseudodifferential operators
M. Lazar
- 47H05 Monotone operators and generalizations
X. Qin
- 47H09 Contraction-type mappings, nonexpansive mappings, A-proper mappings, etc.
X. Qin,
Y. Hao
- 47H10 Fixed-point theorems
H. Aydi,
T. Kamran,
K. Ezzinbi,
I. Kubiaczyk
- 47H15 Equations involving nonlinear operators*
L. Caklovic,
L. Caklovic,
L. Caklovic
- 47H30 Particular nonlinear operators (superposition, Hammerstein, Nemytskii, Uryson, etc.)
A. Bellour
- 47H60 Multilinear and polynomial operators
W. Fechner
- 47J20 Variational and other types of inequalities involving nonlinear operators
H. Benaissa,
A. Touzaline,
A. Touzaline
- 47J25 Iterative procedures
X. Qin,
Y. Hao
- 47L25 Operator spaces (= matricially normed spaces)
M. Amini,
M. B. Asadi
- 47L90 Applications of operator algebras to physics
M. Joita
- 47N50 Applications in quantum physics
D. Carfi
- 53A17 Kinematics
H. Gundogan
- 53A35 Non-Euclidean differential geometry
D. W. Yoon,
M. E. Aydin,
D. W. Yoon,
Z. Milin Sipus
- 53A40 Other special differential geometries
Z. Erjavec,
Z. Milin Sipus
- 53B05 Linear and affine connections
D. N. Pham
- 53B30 Lorentz metrics, indefinite metrics
M. E. Aydin,
D. W. Yoon
- 53C15 General geometric structures on manifolds (almost complex, almost product structures, etc.)
D. N. Pham,
A. M. Blaga
- 53C22 Geodesics in global differential geometry
B. Lemež
- 53C25 Special Riemannian manifolds (Einstein, Sasakian, etc.)
A. M. Blaga,
D. W. Yoon
- 52C35 Arrangements of points, flats, hyperplanes (aspects of discrete geometry)
M. Sosic
M. Kiermaier
- 53C40 Global submanifolds
H. Lee,
H. Lee,
A. M. Blaga,
J. Li
- 53C42 Immersions (minimal, prescribed curvature, tight, etc.)
A. M. Blaga
- 53C50 Lorentz manifolds, manifolds with indefinite metrics
A. M. Blaga,
Y. J. Suh
- 53C55 Global differential geometry of Hermitian and K�hlerian manifolds
H. Lee,
H. Lee
- 53C56 Other complex differential geometry
Y. J. Suh
- 53C60 Finsler spaces and generalizations (areal metrics)
J. Li
- 54A05 Topological spaces and generalizations (closure spaces, etc.)
P. Szczuka
- 54A10 Several topologies on one set (change of topology, comparison of topologies, lattices of topologies)
L. R. Rubin
- 54A40 Fuzzy topology
S. J. John
- 54A99 None of the above, but in this section
A. Rojas
- 54B05 Subspaces
M. Caldas
- 54B10 Product spaces
A. Rojas,
I. Banic,
L. R. Rubin
- 54B15 Quotient spaces, decompositions
F. Capulin,
J. G. Anaya,
N. Uglesic,
D. Repovs,
K. Eda,
A. Bykov,
S. A. Antonyan
- 54B20 Hyperspaces
A. Rojas,
R. Escobedo,
F. Capulin,
J. G. Anaya,
F. Barragan,
F. Barragan,
S. Macias,
R. Hernandez-Gutierrez,
F. Barragan,
S. Macias,
S. Macias
A. Illanes,
S. Macias,
S. Macias,
A. Illanes,
R. Cauty,
G. Acosta,
J. C. Macias,
S. Macias,
S. B. Nadler,
I. Loncar,
A. Illanes,
S. Macias
- 54B30 Categorical methods
T. Miyata,
N. Uglesic,
L. Stramaccia
- 54B35 Spectra
V. Matijevic,
S. Mardesic,
S. Mardesic,
S. Mardesic,
I. Loncar,
I. Loncar,
N. Uglesic,
S. Mardesic
- 54B99 None of the above, but in this section
I. Banic
- 54C05 Continuous maps
F. Capulin,
J. G. Anaya,
I. Ivansic,
I. Ivansic
- 54C08 Weak and generalized continuity
N. Shekutkovski,
M. Caldas
- 54C10 Special maps on topological spaces
F. Capulin,
J. G. Anaya,
K. Sakai,
Y.-F. Bai,
D. Jardon,
A. Dow
- 54C15 Retraction
G. Acosta,
V. Martinez-de-la-Vega
- 54C20 Extension of maps
L. R. Rubin,
I. Ivansic
- 54C25 Embedding
T. Miyata,
D. Jardon,
A. Dow
- 54C30 Real-valued functions
I. Loncar
- 54C35 Function spaces
S. Mardesic
- 54C55 Absolute neighborhood extensor, absolute extensor, absolute neighborhood retract, absolute retract spaces
L. R. Rubin,
A. Bykov,
S. Mardesic,
T. Miyata,
I. Ivansic
N. Antonyan,
E. D. Tymchatyn,
A. Bykov,
I. Ivansic,
S. A. Antonyan,
S. Mardesic
- 54C56 Shape theory
I. Jelic,
M. Shoptrajanov,
B. Andonovic,
T. Miyata,
N. Uglesic,
N. Shekutkovski,
A. Bykov,
K. Sakai,
S. Mardesic,
T. Miyata,
T. Miyata,
A. Bykov,
P. S. Gevorgyan,
T. Miyata,
T. Miyata,
P. S. Gevorgyan,
T. Miyata,
T. Miyata,
S. A. Antonyan
- 54C60 Set-valued maps
I. Banic,
I. Banic,
T. Sovic,
H. Imamura,
I. Banic,
M. Crepnjak,
I. Banic
- 54C65 Selections
M. Cencelj,
I. Ivansic,
I. Ivansic,
D. Popa
- 54D05 Connected and locally connected spaces (general aspects)
N. Koceic Bilan,
M. Caldas
- 54D10 Lower separation axioms
J. Bobok,
J. K. Kohli
- 54D15 Higher separation axioms
J. K. Kohli
- 54D20 Noncompact covering properties
S. J. John,
J. K. Kohli,
S. J. John
- 54D25 P-minimal and P-closed spaces
D. Jardon,
A. Dow
- 54D30 Compactness
L. R. Rubin,
J. K. Kohli,
I. Loncar
- 54D35 Extensions of spaces
Y.-F. Bai
- 54D45 Local compactness, σ-compactness
V. V. Tkachuk
- 54D80 Special constructions of spaces (spaces of ultrafilters, etc.)
I. Banic
- 54E05 Proximity structures and generalizations
J. F. Peters
- 54E15 Uniform structures and generalizations
T. Miyata
- 54E20 Stratifiable spaces, cosmic spaces, etc.
I. Ivansic,
I. Ivansic
- 54E40 Special maps on metric spaces
F. Barragan,
S. Macias,
T. Miyata
- 54E45 Compact (locally compact) metric spaces
I. Banic
- 54E50 Complete metric spaces
N. Uglesic
- 54E99 None of the above, but in this section
N. Uglesic
- 54F05 Linearly ordered topological spaces, generalized ordered spaces, and partially ordered spaces
V. V. Tkachuk
- 54F15 Continua and generalizations
I. Banic,
A. Rojas,
R. Escobedo,
T. Sovic,
H. Imamura,
F. Barragan,
J. Bobok,
F. Barragan,
R. Hernandez-Gutierrez,
F. Barragan,
S. Macias,
K. Eda,
A. Illanes,
C. Islas,
K. Eda,
A. Illanes,
G. Acosta,
T. West,
K. Eda,
E. D. Tymchatyn,
S. B. Nadler,
I. Loncar,
T. West,
I. Loncar,
V. Martinez-de-la-Vega,
T. West,
I. Loncar
- 54F17 Inverse limits of set-valued functions
I. Banic,
I. Banic
- 54F20 Special types of continua*
T. West,
V. Neumann-Lara,
T. West,
K. T. Hallenbeck,
D. Oliveros
- 54F35 Higher-dimensional local connectedness
K. Eda,
K. Eda
- 54F45 Dimension theory
M. Lynam,
L. Rubin,
M. Cencelj,
J. Segal,
I. Ivansic,
S. Mardesic,
I. Ivansic,
T. Miyata,
L. R. Rubin,
S. Mardesic
- 54F50 Spaces of dimension ≤ 1; curves, dendrites
M. Crepnjak,
F. Barragan,
P. Pyrih,
I. Banic,
C. Islas,
R. Cauty,
G. Acosta,
V. Neumann-Lara,
V. Martinez-de-la-Vega
- 54F55 Unicoherence, multicoherence
D. Oliveros
- 54F65 Topological characterizations of particular spaces
I. Banic,
V. Martinez-de-la-Vega
- 54G05 Extremally disconnected spaces, F-spaces, etc.
R. Escobedo
- 54G12 Scattered spaces
V. V. Tkachuk
- 54G15 Pathological spaces
K. Eda,
K. Eda
- 54G20 Peculiar spaces. Counterexamples
P. Pyrih,
K. Eda,
K. Eda
- 54H11 Topological groups
D. Jardon,
A. Dow
- 54H15 Transformation groups and semigroups
A. Bykov,
A. Bykov,
S. A. Antonyan
- 54H20 Topological dynamics
M. Shoptrajanov,
J. M. Garcia Calcines,
J. J. Sanchez-Gabites
- 54H25 Fixed-point and coincidence theorems
H. Aydi,
T. Kamran,
A. Pelaez
- 55M10 Dimension theory
L. Rubin,
M. Cencelj
- 55M15 Absolute neighborhood retracts
E. D. Tymchatyn,
L. R. Rubin
- 55M20 Fixed points and coincidences in algebraic topology
J. F. Peters
- 55M25 Degree, winding number
L. Caklovic
- 55N05 Cech types
V. Matijevic,
S. Nowak
- 55N07 Steenrod-Sitnikov homologies
Ju. T. Lisica
- 55N10 Singular theory
K. Eda,
S. Mardesic
- 55N35 Other homology theories in algebraic topology
B. Lemez
- 55N99 Homology and cohomology theories
N. Koceic Bilan,
N. Koceic Bilan
- 55P05 Homotopy extension properties, cofibrations
Y. Konami
- 55P10 Homotopy equivalences
P. Pavesic
- 55P15 Classification of homotopy type
M. Golasinski
- 55P20 Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces
L. Rubin
- 55P25 Spanier-Whitehead duality
Q. Haxhibeqiri
- 55P30 Eckmann-Hilton duality
T. Miyata,
- 55P35 Loop spaces
M. Golasinski
- 55P40 Suspensions
K. Sakai,
S. Nowak
- 55P48 Loop space machines, operads
M. Basic
- 55P55 Shape theory
I. Jelic,
B. Andonovic,
N. Uglesic,
T. Miyata,
T. Nasri,
T. Miyata,
N. Shekutkovski,
N. Koceic Bilan,
N. Koceic Bilan,
N. Koceic Bilan,
N. Uglesic,
N. Uglesic,
N. Uglesic,
T. Miyata,
N. Koceic Bilan,
S. Nowak,
Ju. T. Lisica,
L. Stramaccia,
N. Uglesic,
N. Koceic Bilan,
J. J. Sanchez-Gabites,
J. Segal,
N. Uglesic,
P. S. Gevorgyan,
P. S. Gevorgyan,
T. Miyata,
T. Miyata,
Q. Haxhibeqiri
- 55P60 Localization and completion in homotopy theory
M. Golasiński
- 55P91 Equivariant homotopy theory
N. Antonyan
- 55R40 Homology of classifying spaces and characteristic classes in algebraic topology
J. F. Peters
- 55Q05 Homotopy groups, general; sets of homotopy classes
B. Lemez,
N. Koceic Bilan,
N. Koceic Bilan
- 55Q07 Shape groups
B. Andonovic,
S. Nowak,
T. Miyata,
T. Miyata
- 55Q52 Homotopy groups of special spaces
K. Eda,
J. Dydak,
K. Eda,
K. Eda
- 55R35 Classifying spaces of groups and H-spaces
P. Pavesic
- 55R65 Generalizations of fiber spaces and bundles
Y. Konami
- 55R70 Fibrewise topology
Y.-F. Bai,
Y. Konami
- 55U05 Abstract complexes
M. Basic
- 55U10 Simplicial sets and complexes
B. Lemez,
P. Bilski,
S. Mardesic
- 55U35 Abstract and axiomatic homotopy theory
T. Miyata
- 57K20 2-dimensional topology (including mapping class groups of surfaces, Teichmueller theory, curve complexes, etc.)
J. Lanier
- 57M05 Fundamental group, presentations, free
differential calculus
K. Eda
- 57M07 Topological methods in group theory
M. Bestvina
- 57M10 Covering spaces
V. Matijevic
- 57M15 Relations of low-dimensional topology with graph theory
J. Lanier
- 57M25 Knots and links in S3
D. Ivansic,
S. Jabuka
- 57M27 Invariants of knots and 3-manifolds
S. Jabuka
- 57M30 Wild knots and surfaces, wild embeddings
M. Zeljko
- 57M50 Geometric structures on low-dimensional manifolds
D. Ivansic
- 57M60 Group actions on manifolds and cell complexes in low dimensions
A. Bar-Natan,
J. Lanier
- 57M99 None of the above, but in this section
H. Baik
- 57N05 Topology of E2, 2-manifolds
B. Szepietowski
- 57N25 Shapes
K. Sakai,
N. Uglesic
- 57N35 Embeddings and immersions
D. Repovs
- 57N60 Cellularity
D. Repovs
- 57N65 Algebraic topology of manifolds
B. Lemež
- 57Q05 General topology of complexes
S. Mardesic
- 57Q55 Approximations
D. Repovs
- 57R56 Topological quantum field theories (aspects of differential topology)
S. Telebakovic Onic
- 57S30 Discontinuous groups of transformations
M. Bestvina
- 60B12 Limit theorems for vector-valued random variables
R. Kapica
- 60DXX Geometric probability and stochastic geometry
V. Gotovac Dogas
- 60F05 Central limit and other weak theorems
I. Belovas
- 60F15 Strong theorems
P. Chen,
Y. Wu,
Y. Wu,
Y. Wu
- 60F99 Limit theorems in probability theory
V. Gotovac Dogas
- 60G10 Stationary processes
T. K. Pogany
- 60G51 Processes with independent increments; Lévy processes
V. Wagner,
F. Hubalek
- 60H25 Random operators and equations
Z. Pasaric
- 60J05 Discrete-time Markov processes on general state spaces
V. Golomoziy
- 60J25 Markov processes with continuous parameter
R. Song
- 60J35 Transition functions, generators and resolvents
Z. Vondracek
- 60J45 Probabilistic potential theory
R. Song,
R. Song,
Z. Vondracek
- 60J60 Diffusion processes
M. Huzak
S. Lubura Strunjak,
R. Song
- 60J65 Brownian motion
K. Wong
- 60J75 Jump processes
V. Wagner,
Y. Shiozawa,
R. Song,
R. Song,
Z. Vondracek
- 68 Graph theory
R. Manger
- 68U05 Computer graphics; computational geometry (digital and algorithmic aspects)
J. F. Peters
- 81P05 General and philosophical
D. Carfi
- 81Q99 General mathematical topics and methods in quantum theory
D. Carfi
- 81R10 Infinite-dimensional groups and algebras motivated by physics, including Virasoro, Kac-Moody, W-algebras and other current algebras and their representations
O. Perse
- 90C29 Multi-objective and goal programming
R. Manger
- 90C35 Programming involving graphs or networks
R. Manger
- 90C53 Methods of quasi-Newton type
M. R. Arazm
- 92D25 Population dynamics (general)
Y. Liu
- 92E10 Molecular structure (graph-theoretic methods, methods of differential topology, etc.)
Y. Alizadeh
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