
Najavljena predavanja:

27.5.2014. 16:00 (201)
Kristina Ana Skreb
Generalizacija martingalne transformacije i njena primjena na paraprodukte i stohasticke integrale
3.6.2014. 16:00 (201)
Bjoern Boettcher (TU Dresden, Institut fur Mathematische Stochastik)
Simulation of Stochastic Processes
Abstract: This Erasmus-mini-course addresses students who have a basic knowledge in probability theory. In this course you will learn - basic techniques to generate samples of univariate distributions - how to simulate stochastic processes - the Monte Carlo Method The focus will be on the normal distribution and Brownian motion.
B. Boettcher, Simulation of Brownian Motion,
Chapter in the Textbook: Brownian Motion - An Introduction to Stochastic Processes, R. Schilling, L. Partzsch, De Gruyter, 2012.

Odrzana predavanja:

20.5.2014. 16:00 (201)
Nikola Sandric
Fluktuacije turbulentnog fluida vodjenog difuzijama sa skokovima
13.5.2014. 16:00 (201)
Vjekoslav Kovac
Kvantitativni rezultati konvergencije ergodickih usrednjenja
(Quantitative results on the convergence of ergodic averages)
1.4.2014. 16:00 (201)
Zoran Vondracek
Apsolutna neprekidnost i singularnost vjerojatnosnih mjera induciranih cisto prekidnom Girsanovljevom transformacijom izotropnog stabilnog procesa
(Absolute continuity and singularity of probability measures induced by a purely discontinuous Girsanov transform of a stable process)
25.3.2014. 16:00 (201)
Drago Spoljaric
Granicno ponasanje slucajnih varijabli opazenih u slucajnom vremenu (obrana doktorske disertacije)
(Limiting behaviour of random variables observed in random times)
4.2.2014. 16:00 (201)
Lavoslav Caklovic
Stohasticka preferencija i medicinska dijagnoza
Sazetak: Na predavanju ce biti govora o stohastickoj preferenciji i poopcenju teorema reprezentacije koji govori da konzistentnost (preferencije) povlaci njenu numericku reprezentaciju koja je vjerojatnost. Poopcenja se odnose na nekonzistentne stohasticke preferencije. Zatim ce biti govora o izvjesnom poopcenju Bayesove formule i agregaciji prioriteta s primjenom na postavljanje medicinske dijagnoze. Na kraju će biti primjer jedne dijagnoze sa zavisnim simptomima. Ukratko ce biti opisana metoda potencijala koja je u pozadini spomenutih poopcenja.
(Abstract: In this lecture we will speak about the stochactic preference and a generalization of the reprezentation theorem for the inconsistent preference. We will give a short description of the potential method and two applications on the diagnosis in medicine. The first one concerns Bayes type aggregation of priorities, the second one concerns a diagnosis with dependent symptoms.)

28.1.2014. 16:00 (201)
Ivana Gecek Tudjen
Vjerojatnost propasti i distribucija supremuma za generalizirane procese rizika IV
(Ruin probability and distribution of supremum for generalized risk processes IV)
14.1.2014. 16:00 (201)
Renming Song (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Central Limit Theorems for Supercritical Branching Markov Processes
Abstract: In this talk I will present some recently established spatial central limit theorems for a large class of supercritical branching Markov processes with general spatial-dependent branching mechanisms. These results are generalizations of the spatial central limit theorems proved in Adamczak and Milos (2011) for branching OU processes with binary branching mechanisms. Compared with the results of Adamczak and Milos (2011), our central limit theorems are more satisfactory in the sense that the normal random variables in our theorems are non-degenerate. The talk is based on joint work with Y.-X. Ren and R. Zhang.

7.1.2014. 16:00 (201)
Azra Tafro
Ekstremalna svojstva slabo zavisnih vremenskih i prostornih nizova III
Tvrtko Tadic
Stohasticka jednadzba provodjenja kao limes Brownovog gibanja ideksiranog rombovskom mrezom
(Stochastic heat equation as a limit of a Brownian motion indexed by a rhombus graph)
Sazetak: Na pocetku dat cemo kratki pregled trenutnih istrazivanja u podrucju slucajnih procesa indeksiranih vremenolikim grafovima (geometrijskim problemima, interpretaciji, vezama s granajucim procesima, skrivenim markovljevim modelom).
Glavni dio predavanja odnosit ce se na vezu ovih procesa s stohastickom jednadzbom provodjenja. Kod slucajnih procesa indeksiranih grafovima postavlja se prirodno pitanje - sto se dogadja kad reprezentacija grafa postaje gusta na nekom podskupu ravnine. Prvo cemo se baviti problemom 'dobre' definicije ovog procesa, i zasto je slutnja Burdzy-ja i Pal-a iz 2011 tocna. Nakon toga sto se dogadja kad imamo dvostrano Brownovo gibanje na rombovskoj mrezi, a dijagonale rombova konvergiraju prema nuli zadanim brzinama. Pokazat ce se da u granicnom slucaju dobivamo stohasticku jednadzbu provodjenja.
(Abstract: The plane is tiled by cells of specific form that make up a graph, and on the (representation of) edges of this graph we define a process. The question is what happens to the process when the cell size goes to zero? Is there a process in the limit? What will that process (indexed by the whole plane) be?
Burdzy and Pal in their paper studied such a process on a honeycomb graph for a Brownian motion type process, and got that the covariance structure is non-trivial in the limit.
We will talk about a rhombus graph for the same process, and show what happens in two cases when the size of the cell goes to zero. We will also comment how to interpret of the results.)

17.12.2013. 16:00 (109)
Azra Tafro
Ekstremalna svojstva slabo zavisnih vremenskih i prostornih nizova II
3.12.2013. 16:00 (201)
Nikola Sandric
Povratnost i prolaznost procesa Levyjevog tipa
(Recurrence and transience of Levy-type processes)
Sazetak: U ovom seminaru ce biti predstavljeni uvjeti Chung-Fuchsovog tipa za povratnost i prolaznost klase Fellerovih procesa vezane za pseudodiferencijalne operatore. Kao posljedicu tih rezultata, diskutirat cemo povratnost i prolaznost Fellerovih procesa obzirom na dimenziju prostora stanja i Pruittove indekse i povratnost i prolaznost Feller-Dynkinovih difuzija i procesa stabilnog tipa (stable-like processes). Nadalje, u jednodimenzionalnom simetricnom slucaju, diskutirat cemo perturbacije Fellerovih procesa koje nece uzrokovati promjenu svojstva povratnosti i prolaznosti samog procesa, te cemo komentirati dovoljne uvjete za povratnost i prolaznost u terminima pripadne Levyjeve mjere. Konacno, komentirat cemo i neke uvjete usporedivanja za povratnost i prolaznost takoder u terminima pripadnih Levyjevih mjera.\

(Abstract: We present Chung-Fuchs type conditions for the recurrence and transience of Feller processes associated with pseudo-differential operators. Further, we also discuss the recurrence and transience of Feller processes with respect to the dimension of the state space and Pruitt indices and the recurrence and transience of Feller-Dynkin diffusions and stable-like processes (in the sense of R. Bass). Finally, in the one-dimensional symmetric case, we discuss perturbations of Feller processes which do not affect their recurrence and transience properties, and we discuss sufficient conditions for their recurrence and transience in terms of the corresponding Levy measure. In addition, some comparison conditions for recurrence and transience also in terms of the Levy measures are obtained.)

26.11.2013. 16:00 (201)
Bojan Basrak
O Soricevoj metodi
(On Soric's method)
Sazetak: Seminar je posvecen proslavljenom radu dr. Branka Sorica o problemu visestrukog testiranja hipoteza i tzv. FDR metodi. Rad je u cetvrt stoljeca od objavljivanja postao jedan od najsire prihvacenih znanstvenih doprinosa u statistici. Na seminaru otkrivamo do sada nepoznate veze i odnose Soricevog rada s drugim, danas vrlo popularnim statistickim metodama.

19.11.2013. 16:00 (201)
Morten Nielsen (Aalborg University)
On approximation with redundant dictionaries
Abstract: Data approximation using sparse linear expansions from overcomplete dictionaries has become a central theme in signal and image processing with applications ranging from data acquisition (compressed sensing) to denoising and compression.
For a given dictionary, we can also study best m-term approximation rates for any specific function. Interestingly, the notions of sparse expansions and certain asymptotic approximation rates are closely linked in the case of nice non-redundant dictionaries (e.g., an orthonormal basis in a Hilbert space.)
In this talk, I will explore the link between sparse expansions from an overcomplete dictionary and asymptotic approximation rates. Redundancy complicates the analysis, and we show that the close link between the two notions fails in general. However, using a probabilistic approach, we show that the close link is retained for 'many' redundant dictionaries.

12.11.2013. 16:00 (201)
Hrvoje Sikic
Stabilnost Schauderovih baza
(Stability of Schauder bases)
Sazetak: U ovom zajednickom radu s M.Nielsenom (Aalborg University) povezujemo klasu uvjetnih Schauderovih baza sa Garnett-Jonesovom udaljenosti u BMO prostorima.

15.10.2013. 16:00 (201)
Panki Kim (Seoul National University)
Estimates on the transition density of Markov process

Prosli seminari / Past seminars: