phone: +385 (0)1 460 5738 |
Bijenička 30 |
Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing. Multiphase flow through porous media, mathematical models in groundwater hydrology and oil reservoir engineering. Finite element and finite volume methods, object oriented numerical code construction. Mathematical homogenization and upscaling, calculation of effective properties of heterogeneous media.
Publications, Scientific projects
Analitička (Teorijska) mehanika 1 i 2 | ( 1996, 1997 ) | Rational mechanics |
Programiranje (C) | ( 2001/02 - 2003/04 ) | Programming language C C.pdf |
Matematička analiza I i II (prof. fizike) | ( 1998 - 2004 ) | Calculus |
Praktikum primijenjene matematike I | ( 1996 - 2007 ) | Numerical Methods in Applied Mathematics |
Praktikum primijenjene matematike II | ( 2004/05 - 2007/08 ) | Numerical Methods for PDE |
Računarski praktikum 2 | ( 2004/05 - 2006/07 ) | Programming in Java |
Računarski praktikum 4 | ( 2006/07 ) | Programming in C++ |
Objektno programiranje (C++) | ( 2013/14 -- 2019/20 ) | Object oriented programming in C++ |
Napredni C++ | (2020/21 -- ) | Advanced C++ |
Matematički modeli transporta kroz poroznu sredinu | ( 2008/09, 2014/15, 2020/21 ) | Mathematical models of flow and transport in porous media |
Numeričko rješavanje PDJ | ( 2013/14 -- ) | Numerical methods for PDE |
Primjena paralelnih računala | ( 2022/23 -- ) | Applications of Parallel Computers |
Metoda konačnih elemenata | ( 2003/04 ) | Finite element method |
Numeričke metode za parcijalne diferencijalne jednadžbe | ( 2004/05, 2007/08) | Numerical methods for PDE |
Last modified on 05/25/2023 12:14:31