Scaling Up and Modeling for Transport and Flow in Porous Media

Dubrovnik, Croatia, 13-16 October 2008

Invited Talks

  1. Grégoire Allaire: Homogenization Approach to the Dispersion Theory for Reactive Transport through Porous Media
  2. Todd Arbogast: Aspects of Convergence for Mixed Multiscale Finite Elements and a New Approach for their Definition
  3. Gilles Bernard-Michel: Transport of Radionuclides in a Synthetic Fractured Block. Comparisons between Different Approaches for the Numerical Simulations, Depending on the Degree of Connectivity of the Fractures
  4. Jacques Blum: Back to the Future: the Back and Forth Nudging Algorithm
  5. Guy Bouchitté: About Existence for Optimal 1-Rectifiable Transports
  6. Guy Chavent: Global Pressure Revisited: Three Phase Compressible Flows
  7. Gregory A. Chechkin: Homogenization of Random Multilevel Junctions
  8. Jim Douglas, Jr: Several Operator Splitting Methods for Flows in Porous Media
  9. Robert P. Gilbert: Homogenizing the Acoustic Properties of Cancellous Bone: The non-Newtonian Fluid Case
  10. Jérôme Jaffré: Phase Exchange for Flow in Porous Media and Complementary Problems
  11. Peter Knabner: Large General Reactive Multicomponent Transport Processes in Porous Media: Modeling, Analysis and Efficient Simulation
  12. Roland Masson: Cell Centered Finite Volume Schemes for Multiphase Porous Media Flow Problems with Applications in the Oil Industry
  13. Andro Mikelić: Analysis of Model Equations for Stress-Enhanced Diffusion in Coal Layers
  14. François Murat: Finite Elements Approximation of Second Order Linear Elliptic Equations in Divergence Form with Right-Hand Side in L^1
  15. Grigory Panasenko: Asymptotic Partial Decomposition Strategy for Modelling of Flows in Thin Tube Structures
  16. Mikhail Panfilov: Macro-Kinetic Model and Oscillatory Regimes of Gas-Liquid Flow in Porous Media with Boiling and Bubble Coalescence
  17. Leonid Pankratov: On the Homogenization of some Double Porosity Models with Periodic Thin Structures
  18. Andrey Piatnitski: Homogenization of Spectral Problem for Elliptic Differential Operators with Sign-Changing Density
  19. Olivier Pironneau: Pros and Cons of the Finite Element Methods for Option Pricing
  20. Michel Quintard: Upscaling Dissolution Mechanisms in Porous Media
  21. Jean E. Roberts: Single-Phase Flow in Porous Media with Fractures: Modeling Fractures as Interfaces
  22. Thomas F. Russell: Stochastic Modeling of Multiphase Transport in Subsurface Porous Media: Motivation and Some Formulations
  23. Ralph Showalter: Flow with Dynamic Capillary Pressure Over Multiple Scales
  24. Peppino Terpolillli: Some Flow Problems in Porous Media: an Industrial Point of View
  25. Damien Tromeur-Dervout: Meshfree Adaptative Aitken-Schwarz Domain Decomposition for Darcy flow
  26. Mary Fanett Wheeler: Multiscale Discretizations for Flow, Transport and Mechanics in Porous Media

Contributed Talks

  1. Ophelie Angelini: A Hybrid Finite Scheme for a Diffusion Problem, Satisfying a Local Principle of Maximum
  2. Nenad Antonić: Small-Amplitude Homogenisation of Parabolic Problems
  3. Mariko Arisawa: Homogenizations of Integro-Differential Equations with L{é}vy Operators
  4. Gabriel R. Barrenechea: A Two-Level Enriched Finite Element Method for the Darcy Equation
  5. Hend Benameur: Refinement Indicators for Adaptive Parametrization: Theory and Applications
  6. Gedeon Dagan: Formulation of the Problem of Upscaling of Solute Transport in Highly Heterogeneous Formations
  7. Marie Drouin: Modeling of Thermal Dispersion in Heated Pipes
  8. Christian Engwer: An Unfitted Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method for Numerical Upscaling in Porous Media
  9. Olivier Gipouloux: A Numerical Method for an Underground Waste Repository Problem with Non Standard Interface Condition
  10. Fabrice Golfier: Comparison of Theory and Experiment for Solute Transport in Bimodal Heterogeneous Porous Medium
  11. Sylvie Granet: Two-Phase Flow Numerical Modelling: Application to a Geological Nuclear Waste Disposal
  12. Isabelle Greff: Numerical Method for Elliptic Multiscale Problems
  13. Serge Huberson: Particle Simulation of Unsaturated Flows
  14. Oleg Iliev: On Numerical Upscaling for Stokes and Stokes-Brinkman Flows
  15. Caroline Japhet: Discontinuous Galerkin and Nonconforming in Time Optimized Schwarz Waveform Relaxation for Coupling Heterogeneous Problems
  16. Mladen Jurak: A New Formulation of Immiscible Compressible Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media Via the Concept of Global Pressure
  17. Martin Lazar: What Feeds Oscillations in the Schrödinger Type Equations?
  18. Layal Lizaik: Modeling and Numerical Approximation of Multi-Component Anisothermal Flows in Porous Media
  19. Mohammed Shuker Mahmood: A Conservative Galerkin Characteristics Method for Contaminant Transport Problems in Porous Media
  20. Zoubida Mghazli: A Posteriori Estimators for a Model for Flow in a Porous Medium with Fractures
  21. Iraj Mortazavi: Numerical Modelling of Porous-Fluid Flows Using the Penalisation Method
  22. Adrian Muntean: A Fast-Reaction Slow Diffusion Limit for Propagating Redox Fronts in Mineral Rocks
  23. Marie-Christine Néel: Time-Fractional Fick's Law for Dispersion with Memory Effects in Porous Media
  24. Tycho van Noorden: Crystal Dissolution and Precipitation in Porous Media: Formal Homogenization and Numerical Experiments
  25. Laurent Orgogozo: Upscaling of Transport Processes in Porous Media with Biofilms in Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Conditions
  26. Skender Osmani: Stochastic Finite Elements in a Complex System: Non Stationary Fluid Flow, Mass Transport, Heat Conduction, Vibrating
  27. Géraldine Pichot: Adaptation of a Mortar Method to Model Flow in Large-Scale Fractured Media
  28. Charles Pierre: Fluid/Solid Coupled Convection/Diffusion in Unidirectional Flows
  29. Franck Plouraboué: Convergence of Generalized Volume Averaging Method on a Convection-Diffusion Problem
  30. Iuliu Sorin Pop: Mathematical and Numerical Analysis of Reactive Porous Media Flows
  31. Masa Prodanović: A Level Set Method for Non-Zero Contact Angle Drainage and Imbibition in Realistic Porous Media
  32. Florin A. Radu: Upscaling of the Reaction-Advection-Diffusion Equation in Porous Media with Monod-Like Kinetics
  33. Benjamin Rotenberg: Lattice Methods for the Study of Electrokinetic Phenomena in Charged Porous Media
  34. Thomas Schaaf: Joint Structural and Petrophysical History Matching of Stochastic Reservoir Models
  35. Robert Scheichl: Domain Decomposition for Multiscale Elliptic PDEs
  36. Farid Smaï: Two Phase Partially Miscible Flow and Transport Modeling in Porous Media; Application to Gas Migration in a Nuclear Waste Repository
  37. Serge A. Terekhov: Machine Learning in Reservoir Production Simulation and Forecast